Coping Skills
A variety of fun and creative coping skill ideas and tools to practice relaxation skills, calming techniques, refocus skills and reflection. One in each box.
Mindfulness challenge
Sometimes its hard to unplug and stay in the present moment. We offer a mindfulness challenge and/or activity to help stay connected to the present, in every box.
Taking time to love yourself and balance mind, body and spirit is essential for giving the world your very best. Every box contains objects and/or ideas to make self-care a daily part of your routine.
Everyone loves a good fidget. They help to maintain focus or ease that occasional restlessness.
Our fidgets are all different shapes, sizes and textures to experiment, play with and to help keep minds learning. One in every box.
It's hard to be sad or upset when your smiling. In fact, science says it's almost impossible. All of our boxes contain one item that is sure to make you smile and feel good.
happier, healthier you
Every box contains a surprise designed to go along with the theme of the month. It may be another coping skill, fidget, self-care item or who's a surprise...the end result of every box is a happier, healthier, YOU.